
Version: 22.3.2020

The European Union was the first to support Quantum research. This was in the year 1999. Now there exists a fund with 1 billion Euro:

There was also progress in the field of culture. But still it is not understood that digitisation and Quantum technology are cultural projects.

The Polylogue Centre takes in so far the Quantum movement of scientist as a model, as it led to the Flagship Quantum in the EU, as their success is based on the signatures of 3,500 scientists. However, the Polylogue Centre has a very different background of cooperation and public spheres. The foundation for further projects of the Polylogue Centre include:
– basic innovations in the field of digitisation
– Network of 10,000 stakeholders
– 8 world conferences (starting at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris 1999) with up to 7.000 participants from more than 100 countries
– Polylogue Europe-Africa, Africa-Europe (conferences in Yaounde, Ragusa, Oran)
– World Project of the Mountains
– World Cookbook
– Basic innovations in the field of quantum technology

With the new EU budget from 2021 to 2017 there come up new possibilities. EU tells Polylogue Centre that there shall be enough money for the intentions and that EU sees Polylogue Centre as a strategic partner.

The current projects of the Polylogue Centre are:
– the multilingual development of the homepage
– the establishment of a Digital World Museum of Mountains
– Polylogue Europe Africa, Africa-Europe
– the development of quantum technology away from the numerical analysis and the Algorithms/ this means a language for structuring the operations
– further development of the Encyclopaedia of Multilingual Cultural Studies
– the use of the quantum technology for automated language translation
– the Organization of forums with up to 25,000 participants every two years
– The establishment of a World Cultural Council modelled in the way of the World Climate Council

The core is about a shift away from racist or nationalist constructions since the 18th and 19th century, who served the wars. It’s about a rediscovery of Erasmus of Rotterdam, and all those who stand for creativity, collaboration, synergies, scientific approaches and for a culture of peace. To do this, findings and proposals were developed. They could be an excellent contribution to the European Peace Project.

In the year 2021 the work on the basis of the necessary funding from the EU could start with the new EU budget. But there are Problems with the EU Budget and because of that also with the financing of even key projects as the Green Deal. So perhaps the start will be later.

Sc.Dir.Dr. Herbert Arlt

First Version: 11.4.2017
Follow up: 12.6.2018, 21.2., 14.6., 14.8.2019
The version in German is no translation of the English text, because the version in English language aims to another public. Furthermore some texts of this homepage should be made accessible also by translations in other languages such as Arabic, French, and Spanish.